ideas for new features

ideas for new features

It's been a crazy couple of days. With the influx of new traffic to the Luminotes web site, it's reached nearly 1,500 registered users. I've been busy fixing bugs, mostly minor edge cases that no one would ever see. But when you've got hundreds of people pounding on the site simultaneously, they're sure to find even the most well-hidden bugs.

I've enjoyed hearing from first-time Luminotes users. Many of them say that they've finally found a wiki they're excited about. It's nice to be working on a software product that people actually want to use!

I wanted to briefly talk about someone of the excellent feature requests I've been getting from Luminotes users by email. Some of these features have been on my to-do list for a while, and others are completely new. None of these features are implemented yet, but I'm thinking about implementing them as soon:
  • Tags for notes: This has probably got to be one of the most frequently requested features. People want to be able to add tags (keywords) to their individual notes, and then browse a list of all tags to find matching notes.
  • Tags for notebooks: It would also be nice to be able to categorize or group your list of notebooks. For instance, you could tag several notebooks as "work" and keep those grouped separately from your personal notebooks.
  • More toolbar buttons: People have sent me all sorts of great ideas for new toolbar text formatting buttons. Everything from strikethrough and font customization to an embedded code snippet area.
  • Notebook publishing: Several people have requested the option to publish your Luminotes notebooks to the public. That way, your notebook would be just like any other public web page. I will likely introduce such a feature for upgraded subscription accounts.
  • Branding and theming: This would allow a person or organization to customize the look of Luminotes, such as replacing the logo at the top of the page with their own logo.
  • Image preview improvements: It would be nice if you could open uploaded image files within their own note box instead of having to open up a whole new window to preview them.
  • Recent updates improvements: The "recent updates" list helps you keep track of what's changed in your notebook. But it would also be nice to be able to set a "watch" on a given note or filter the recent updates list to show only updates by other users.
  • Multiple notebook search/download: Another requested feature is being able to search or download multiple wiki notebooks at once. Some users have dozens of notebooks, so this could be quite a useful improvement.
Anyway, that's just a sampling of some of the feature requests I've gotten recently. I'm working on new features as fast as I can. :) If you have any ideas or requests, please let me know!


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