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import notes from a file

import notes from a file

I just finished rolling out a new Luminotes feature: CSV note importing. This means that you can now export your notes from other note-taking software into a CSV file, and then upload them directly into Luminotes.

(CSV, by the way, stands for Comma-Separated Values. It's a file format similar to a spreadsheet, and interestingly enough, it's supported by just about every software package on the planet.)

Here's how it works. Look for a new "import" link on the right side of the page when you're viewing one of your notebooks. Click the link, and you'll be able to upload a CSV file full of notes from another program. Then after answering a few simple questions, Luminotes will import all of the notes from that file into a new notebook. It's quick and easy.

Since the code behind-the-scenes is a little tricky, and there are a vast number of programs that you could export notes from, I'm calling this feature "beta" for the time being. Feel free to try it out. I'd be very interested to hear about the software where your notes are coming from, and whether or not you can successfully import them into Luminotes. So if you do check out the import feature, let me know how it works out for you.

By the way, I'm planning on adding a number of other import and even export features to Luminotes. Not only is it important for you to be able to get notes into Luminotes from other sources, but you should also be able to export your entire wiki out of Luminotes any time you want. I don't believe in lock-in. After all, it's your wiki. Right now you can always click "download as html", but I'd also like to offer a number of other export formats. Have some suggestions? You know where to find me.


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