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improved wiki navigation

improved wiki navigation

I just rolled out Luminotes 1.3, which brings with it a number of cool new features that I think you're going to enjoy. Here's a summary.

Those of you who have been using Luminotes for a while have put together some fairly sizable notebooks. (My largest personal notebook currently clocks in at 282 notes.) And so you've probably noticed that the "all notes" list of every note in your notebook was growing large and unwieldy. You needed a better way to see what notes you had available.

Hierarchical wiki browsing: Now, when you're editing your wiki, you'll notice a new tree of your wiki notes to the left of the toolbar. Currently, the notes that show up at the top level of that tree are notes you've flagged as "show on startup" under the "options" tab. To browse through the tree, all you need to do is click the little triangle next to a note, and it'll expand into a list of every note, file, and web page that the note links to! Cool, huh?

Recent updates list: Underneath the tree of wiki notes, there's a new list of recently updated notes. The big change here is that this list is always visible on screen and updated as you make changes, so you can always keep an eye on what's been changed recently. And it's also handy for picking up where you left off after you return to Luminotes at some point later.

External link icons: If you're viewing this in Firefox, you'll notice little external link icons just like Wikipedia has. This lets you visually distinguish between internal wiki note links and links to external web sites.

I'm going to write up extensive documentation on these new features and add them to the user guide, but I thought I'd let you get your hands on this new functionality sooner rather than later. And if you experience any problems with the new features, have any questions about how they work, or have suggestions on how to make them better, let me know!

This is certainly not the last word on improved Luminotes wiki navigation, but I'm hoping it's a good first step.


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