Making links between your notes is essential when creating your wiki. At some point, I'll bet you've had a moment where you think of a particular note that you'd like to link to, but you just can't remember the exact name. Did you include a "the" in the note title? Was it plural, or singular? How will you link to the note if you can't remember what it's called?
Well, now finding a note to link to is even easier. I just rolled out a shiny new suggest-as-you-type feature for both linking and searching. Whenever you create a new link and start typing the title, you get a handy-dandy list of potential destination notes. Observe: When this list appears, you can click on a matching title to set the link's destination, or use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select a title. This works for setting the destination of an existing link too. The list updates as you type, so you can keep typing to narrow down the list of titles until you find what you're looking for.
Even better, the suggest-as-you-type feature works for searching your notebook as well. Trying to open a particular note, but can't remember what it's called? Just start typing a word of the title in the search field, and a list of possibilities will update as you type. Click on one of the titles (or select one with your keyboard) and the note will open up without you even having to perform a search!
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