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faster file uploads and downloads

faster file uploads and downloads

Sometimes when I roll out a new release, it's full of shiny new features that you can't help but notice. Other times, most of the work in a release is done "under the hood", and the improvements are less obvious to the casual user.

Today's release is one of those "under the hood" upgrades. Luminotes now includes speedier file uploads and downloads. This means attaching files to your notes is faster than it was before, as is downloading those files. Viewing images within your notes should be quicker as well.

(Warning: Geek mode ahead.) These speed improvements were made possible in part by a switch from Apache to nginx on the Luminotes web servers, along with several changes to Luminotes itself to improve file handling.

There are still definitely gains to be made on the speed front, so if any feature feels even remotely sluggish to you, please report it!


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