image thumbnails

image thumbnails

You may have already found a new feature that I just recently rolled out: image thumbnails. Now, when you open the file info box for an image file you've uploaded into your wiki, you'll see a nice little thumbnail of that image.

Additionally, when you click the link for an image file (or click the thumbnail itself), a new window will open with the image in full. That way, you don't have to download the image file in order to see it in its full glory. Of course there is also a download link displayed under the image, so you can still download it if you like.

These changes don't yet include the ability to embed your images within the text of your wiki, which several users have asked for. But this new thumbnail feature is one step closer to image embedding. Soon, you'll be able to click a checkbox labeled "include image inline" or "embed image in wiki note". And then any image you upload can be displayed directly within your wiki. But for now, you can at least see your images on their own.


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