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multiple notebook searching

multiple notebook searching

By popular demand, Luminotes now supports searching multiple wiki notebooks at the same time. All you need to do is open up one of your notebooks and perform a search by typing some text into the search field. The search results for notes in the current notebook will be listed, just like they always have.

But now, if your search term matches any notes within other notebooks, you'll notice a new section underneath your standard search results labeled, aptly enough, "other notebooks". There you'll see a list of search results for all of the other notebooks you have access to, including shared notebooks. Each note in this list will indicate what notebook it's in. And if you click on a result for a note that's not in your current notebook, then it will open up in a new window.

Please do let me know if you can think of any improvements. One that I can already foresee is a "more" link at the bottom of the search results to bring up additional matching notes.


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