will shut down on March 1st. Read more.
navigation improvements

navigation improvements

Today I released Luminotes 1.5.7, which includes several navigation improvements both to the site and to the wiki software itself:
  • Note tree enhancements: You can now add one of your notes directly to the note tree by clicking the small "+" button on the right side of the page. The note tree is sort of a "quick access" list of a few of your notes, and you can choose which notes appear in the note tree. For instance, you might include a note that contains a table of contents of your notebook.
  • Link reorganization: You'll notice that the various links on the left and right side of your wiki notes have been reorganized. This makes more room for your note links, so things shouldn't feel quite as cramped.
  • community expansion: I've made several navigation and other improvements to the new "community" section of You can now leave comments directly on blog posts, and each Luminotes discussion forum now has its own RSS feed.
Have some feedback? Email me, or just post a comment on this post!




Were all these posts (this and the previous couple of dozen) really written on November 18, 2008, or is there something wrong with timestamping of notes?

Blog post timestamps

The timestamps do indeed appear to be off. Several blog posts were imported from the old blogging software, and timestamps may not have been properly maintained. However, all new blog posts should have the proper timestamps.


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