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Luminotes user guide

following a link

Following a link is as easy as clicking on it. Two things will happen when you click on a link. First, the yellow link info box will pop up in case you want to change the link destination. Second, the note corresponding to the destination of the link will open. If the note didn't already exist, then a new note will be created with the title of the link destination. If the note did already exist, then that note will be opened.

When you open a note by clicking on a link, and you have several notes open, you will automatically be scrolled to the position of the note so that you can see its contents.

If the note corresponding to the link destination is already open when you click the link, then you will be scrolled to the position of the open note. The note will also briefly flash so that you can easily locate it on the page.

If the link you click on is to an outside web page, then that web page will open in a new window or tab so that you can continue working on your wiki. Additionally, if you middle click on any link, regardless of its destination, it will open in a new window or tab.

Next: attaching a file
Previous: linking to a web page