What do you think about "startup notes"?

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​Orphaned Notes

If labels are implemented, then orphans could automagically have the orphan label and placed in the upper right. I'm not sure the word 'orphans' means much to users, maybe 'uncategorized', 'Not yet linked', 'Please Link These!', dunno what would be better.

I don't have the schema in front of me now and forget if there is a link count field or not. A reference count, like inodes.

Another, perhaps weird idea, is to have a tool button for a place-holder link. When you click it, the cursor position sets an unlinked (as yet) link. Then you can choose existing or orphans by list or tab-completion. Well, not tab completion, but match on what's typed so far. I'm in the wrong mode of thought for this and it's kinda late in the day, sorry.

Posted by gemlog on Thu 23 Apr 2009 07:57:55 PM PDT | permalink
Posted by gemlog on Thu 23 Apr 2009 07:57:55 PM PDT | permalink

​Re: ​Orphaned Notes

The best way to implement tags/labels would be to create one table called tags with notebook_id, tag_name, tag_id (primary key), startup (bool), and another table called notes_tags with note_id, tag_id.

This would enable adding tags to notes without having a big change in the code, and not "break" the application.

A default tag would be All, which would be a "programmed" tab (its not stored in the db), to just display all the notes in a notebook.

Also, another "programmed" tag would be Untagged, which would display all notes without a tag.

A simple (view/add/edit/delete/show on startup) tag "manager" on the right below the search box would be nice.

​Re: Orphaned Notes

"Also, another "programmed" tag would be Untagged, which would display all notes without a tag."

That's sorta what I was saying. I just don't see how to implement it without a reference count ala inode hardlinks though. It's the fundamental way to decide if a note is an orphan or not.

A tag in that context is an extension of the same thing no?

​Re: Re: Orphaned Notes

By programmed I meant, that it is not an actual tag that you can see in the database, if you were browsing through it. It would be implemented by an SQL query along the lines of:



(SELECT * FROM notes_tags WHERE notes.id = notes_tags.note_id)

ORDER BY notes.title ASC

I don't know the actual schema. This is just an example.

Tags and Orphaned Notes

Luminotes developer here. :) I wanted to point out that the schema for tags (for both notebooks and notes) is already implemented in the current version of Luminotes, and in fact it's very similar to what shahan312 is suggesting. What remains to be done is everything "above" the schema: User interface for tags, controller code, etc.

I think the idea of "programmed" tags, by the way, is a good one.

In regards to orphaned notes, let's make sure we're all talking about the same thing. When I think of an orphaned note, I'm thinking about a note that has no inbound links pointing at it. And gemlog is correct that in order to easily and quickly determine all the orphaned notes in a notebook, I'd need to track a refcount for inbound links per note, which is not something that's tracked currently.

Thanks for all the suggestions and discussion. It's cool to see people thinking about the technical side of Luminotes!


​Re: Tags and orphaned Notes

I finally get what orphaned notes are, a note without any inbound links. I thought you meant a note without a tag, which would be simple to implement with the SQL query I wrote above.

This is how I would implement the orphaned notes, and would be a special "programmed" tag called Orphans.

Just add a field in the notes table called hasLinks (bool). When adding/editing/deleting links in notes, just update the field accordingly. The best way to implement this would be to first add the schema and tracking, and then run an automated script at night that goes through all the links and updates the notes table accordingly.

Then to get the notes that are Orphans, just run the following query:
SELECT * FROM notes WHERE hasLinks = '0'
This is just a sample query as I don't know Luminotes db schema.

As a user of Luminotes, I would prefer the tags feature implemented before the Orphans tag is added.


​Re: Tags and orphaned notes

Shahan, what you describe would likely work given the current schema. But I agree that tags should be a higher priority right now!



A sorting feature would be nice to. Maybe underneath tags. It says Sort By:

  • Title
  • Last Edit
And then there are up and down arrows.
Also, for large notebooks, the pagination is nice, such as the one at the end of this page.


For sorting, are you talking about sorting the note links in the upper right, or sorting the displayed notes themselves? Or something else?


​Re: Sorting

Sorting the displayed notes that have been selected from a tag.

Some other ideas that popped into my head right now:

Also, another sorting link could be Custom, which would be set by using the drag and drop functionality.

Also, Startup Notes could also be a tag.

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