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Luminotes user guide

getting started

To get started with your personal wiki at, first sign up for a Luminotes account. Enter a username, a password, and optionally your email address. When you've entered the requested information, click the "sign up" button.

If there is a problem with some of the information you've provided, such as choosing an unavailable username, you will see a message indicating exactly what needs to be corrected. Once you've made the requested corrections, click the "sign up" button again.

Note that you do not need to sign up at all in order to download or run Luminotes Desktop.

After signing up at or starting Luminotes Desktop, you will then see a new page with the start of your very own personal wiki. You may find it convenient to keep your wiki open in another browser window as you read this user guide so that you can try things out as you read about them.

Next: your personal wiki
Previous: about this guide