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Luminotes user guide

your personal wiki

Let's start with some basic concepts. A personal wiki in Luminotes is called a notebook, and a notebook is made up of several notes, each with a unique title. These notes are connected by links, which allow you to easily navigate from one note to another.

the main page

The main page, which is what you see after you sign up or login, is where you'll be spending most of your time as you edit your wiki. This page has several areas of interest:
  • The note area in the center of the page is where the action is. There you'll create and edit the notes that comprise your wiki.
  • To left of the note area, you'll find a toolbar of buttons for formatting text, creating links, and various other note-related tasks.
  • Also to the left of the note area, there are links for things like exporting your notebook, sharing your notebook, and various other notebook-related tasks. (Notebook sharing is not present in Luminotes Desktop.)
  • To the right of the note area, you'll see a search box where you can enter text to search the entire contents of your wiki.
Next: your notes
Previous: getting started